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Click here for the Seafarer Application Form

The Registrar of Seamen is constitutionally responsible for the engagement, health, welfare, and occupational safety of all seamen who serve onboard Guyana Ships and all seamen who are citizens of Guyana who serve on foreign ships. He/She is also responsible for the safe manning of Guyana Ships and also the licencing of Seamen. He/she is the focal point for resolving seamans complaints and disputes that may arise.

To file a complaint please visit

Maritime Administration Department
Transport & Harbors HQ
Top Floor
Battery Rd & Fort St

You can also download a complaint form, complete it and fax it to MARAD HQ.
Complaint form should duplicate the enclosed form and also have the ability to attach a scanned copy of a Seamans discharge book (id).

You may also contact us by phone at 592-225-7330/226-3356 Fax:592-226-9581

All complaints will be acknowledged and promptly resolved.


Click here for Forms for this Service

