Capt. Stephen Thomas
Director General of MARAD
The Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) was established by the Guyana Shipping Act (Act No.7 of 1998), and is responsible for the monitoring, regulating, and coordinating of maritime activities in Guyana. MARAD also functions as the key agency for the administration and implementation of all laws relative to maritime affairs, including relevant instruments of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
The Department’s key responsibilities include:
- Surveying and Certification of Ships
- Registration and Welfare of Seafarers
- Prevention of Pollution from Ships
- Monitoring offshore Marine Operations
- Registration and Licencing of Ships
- Pilotage
- Hydrographic surveys
- Marine Investigation
- Maritime Search and Rescue and
- Port State Control
MARAD provides the maritime industry with the necessary support services, and infrastructure necessary to ensure safety of navigation in Guyana waters.